Story Online: November 2006
Queen Wenagabe is Miss December - Wendy Chui

"Oh you wretch! You're casting a sleeping spell on me! Away from me!" Queen Wenagabe shoos Dion off. She shakes her head and wobbles to the nearest tree. Dion stares at the queen. She has a beautiful pair of petite silver-plated wings on her hair! The wings are dusted with tiny diamonds and her glittery silver gown with fluffy bottom makes her stand out against the muddy green of the forest. She has got a pair of glass slippers too! She's like a glowing fairy in the forest. Pretty!

"Alright, alright, what is it that you want?" Queen Wenagabe leans against an oak tree, knowing that Dion is making mental notes on her appearance. She has, after all, mind-reading powers. Little Dion gulps. He doesn't know how to answer such beauty. The only other beautiful woman he knows is his mk'phar.

Finding it strange that this little boy is staring with mouth agape, Queen Wenagabe flares daintily.

"I am a busy woman, young boy! If you have no request, then I must be on my way. Good bye!" Queen Wenagabe grabs her fluffy gown and hops along a beaten path that suddenly appears from among the swamp. Wait, it isn't a swamp anymore! It's a pretty pond with strange but pretty flowers! Glares of sunlight peek through the tall trees surrounding them. Wait, there isn't any sun a minute ago! The muddy forest has suddenly transformed into a friendly garden. What in the world is happening?

Dion, still in a state of awe, lost the Queen. She has simply hopped out of sight.

"Oh, he mustn't catch up with me! I hope my spell of illusion got him," mutters Queen Wenagabe under her breath. Reaching the other side of her world, the Gaebiland, she stops to catch her breath. Vapors of cool air forms with each pant she puffs. This is the southern part of Gaebiland, where winter is the only season all year round. A chilly wind blows at the Queen. She shudders. A tinge of christmas red shows on her fluffy gown. "Oh no!" Queen Wenagabe needs to find fire to warm herself soon, or else she will turn into Miss December, a meer mortal woman with no powers; A spell set upon her by a certain grey lord when he forces her kingdom into darkness and cold. In the extreme coldness, many of her Northern Gaebis couldn't survive and so did her parents. But because of her mortal blood (injected into her when she was a baby to save her if her magic dies), her life is not in danger but her magic will die.

Queen Wenagabe digs her hands into the pure white snow on the ground and pulls out a pair of fluffy gloves magically worn on her hands. Queen Wenagabe hugs herself. She hasn't visited this part of her country before. She wonders if any of her people can actually stand the weather enough to live there. But her father and mother has warned her not to go there for fear that the cold will make her powerless. But if she does go there for whatever reasons, she must find the snow princess as quick as she can.

The snow princess, they said, was an orphan girl her parents found by a frozen lake in Southern Gaebiland. No one knew where she came from nor how she ended up beside the lake. Southern Gaebiland was first attacked by the grey lord back in the 1st century. Many of the Southern Gaebis died in the battle and a powerful winter spell was cast on this part of the country. It was during the battle that her parents found the child. Feeling pitiful for the child, her parents took her back and looked after her back in the castle until she was 3. During her stay in the castle, she was said to have turned Queen Wenagabe's mother's favourite pearl into rock ice. And once, a nanny tried to feed her milk, she breathed cold air into the bottle and froze up all the milk. When she was older, she accidentally turn her pet dog into ice. It was then her parents decided to send her back to Southern Gaebiland, where she can properly develop her powers. They sensed that she must have been struck by the power of grey lord but miraculously survived and gained the power of winter. Therefore, she was aptly named the snow princess. She was a really nice girl, they said, just that she was too cold to interact with other Gaebis. The air that she breathed out was enough to freeze anything. But the snow princess had always wanted to be in the normal part of Gaebiland, where summer was the favourite part of the year and all gaebis celebrate it with lots of parties.

Rumour has it that she is trying to make a fire pill so that the air she breathes out doesn't freeze up everything. The fire pill will warm the stomach until vomit out by the owner.

"The fire pill will warm your stomach and keep your magic!" Queen Wenagabe remembers her nanny's words. The red on her gown is showing more now. Her magic is dying! "Oh no... my eyelids are getting heavy! Shucks! I need to sleep now!" Queen Wenagabe falls onto the soft bed of snow, slowly drifting into slumber. She now wears a gown of red velvet with white fluffs all around the edge of her robe.

The story goes on... @ Thursday, November 23, 2006 10:19 PM

Lost encounter - Losty

*Dun mind hor my english sux* - losty

"Si'lia I am afraid this is the truth." The old man spoke in a frail voice.

"Aven! You can't do this to him! He is but just a boy!" Si'lia pleaded.

"Si'lia, Dion is special. Though he isn't a pure blood Lostarcardian, he has the power to change the world. I am sure you of all people know best. He is after all our h'kta" Aven look deep into Si'lia's eyes and hold her close.

With tears flowing down her face, Si'lia slowly walk towards the fireplace. A boy was sound asleep on the armchair near the fireplace. Si'lia place her hand on his head gently. The boy rubbed his eyes and look at Si'lia.

"Mk'phar? Its really cold mk'phar." The boy said in a sleepy voice. Unlike Si'lia and Aven, Dion had wavy pearl black hair and emerald green eyes while Si'lia and Aven had straight silver hair and deep blue eyes.

"There. Feel better?" Si'lia hold Dion in her arms.

"Yes, Mk'phar! Dion feel better!" Dion shouted cheerfully as he hugged Si'lia tightly.

"Dion my young child! How are you feeling?" Aven asked.

"Great! Aven ylc'na!" Dion replied.

Aven whispered something and Dion's face changed. Dion's face looks serious and somewhat evil, not a face one will see on a five years old child. Once Aven stops, Dion nodded his head and got down from Si'lia's arms.

"I understand Aven ylc'na. Everything is for Lostarca's future." Dion spoke in a serious tone, one might wonder was he really five years old.

"Remember, you must look for three other hk'ta and form an alliance to fight the grey lord. You must aid them with your knowledge and power. Here take this shield with you. May Losty be with you my young child." Aven handed over the shield of lost to Dion. Its obvious that the shield is too big for Dion to hold. Touching the shield with his both hands, the shield suddenly glow in green light and started to shrink. The shield shrank to the size of a badge. Si'lia picked up the shield and pinned the shield on Dion's collar.

"Promise me that you will come back." Si'lia smiled.

"I will mk'phar! Dion will come back!" Dion said in his usual cheerful voice. Dion turn around and started chanting. "M'kkl! Rub'ge! Tny'pk! Take me to Kingdom of Gaebiland!" A green portal appeared and Dion without hesitation jumped in. Dion kept falling as unsual things flying past him, at one point he saw this three girls kept chasing after a bottle of syrup. Dion shrugged and kept going down until he reach a white light.

"Oof! Ouch! Get off me! One thousand death is not enough for you! And look what you done to my hair!" a woman shouted. Apparently Dion landed on the woman. Dion rubbed his eyes and took a good look on the woman.

"WAI! Dion found queeny! Dion found queeny!" Dion jumped up and down as he shouted cheerfully.

"Stop jumping! You are mak..making me.. me slee sllllleeeeeepppyyy....." the woman fell asleep right after she said that. Dion look at the woman curiously and wondered was the woman always like this.

The story goes on... @ 12:25 AM

All set to go!-Gab

Prince Darius told him what to do.

"Gather as much food as we can carry for we are embarking on a journey to Gaebiland! Make haste, Gha-Bie!"
Gha-Bie came to his senses and rushed to the royal pantry. He packed as many of the kingdom's famous 'Rayshens' (tightly sealed green packs containing untold delicacies that were good indefinitely) as he could and debated if he should bring along a few pots and pans so he could make stews, or maybe a grill...

Meanwhile Prince Darius raced to his royal chamber where he proceeded to put on his trusty plate mail, and bracers. He debated bringing his trusty broadsword, Buriza along but he decided against it. The tarnished sword he got from the magical tree could have some magical properties that would be more useful. Besides it was pink.

Quickly making his choice, Prince Darius strode to the Royal Stables where the kingdom's best steeds were. He saddled Julter and Castell and met Gha-Bie at the Castle's gates. All this while he was pondering why was it that everyone but a lowly servant had not fallen under the deadly curse. "I have more pressing issues at hand than to bother about this now!" Prince Darius chided himself. Turning to Ghae-Bie, he said "Load the supplies onto the horses and let us be on our way!"

"To get to Gaebiland, we'll have to go through the dark forest of Tempanese, then past the deadly moors of Xiimae, into the swamps of Taa Naa Meh Raah and finally through the mountains of Berdoac. It will be an ardous journey with countless dangers and hardships." Prince Darius warned Ghae-Bie.

"Fear not my prince, where you go i will follow. Your family has shown much kindness to me, taking me in even though you did not know my past and bringing me up. I will repay this debt the best i can!" Ghae-Bie fiercely replied.

With a last look at their petrified home, the two set off on their quest.

That night Ghae-Bie had a dream. In his dream he saw houses on fire, and demons everywhere. And a hideous face grinning maliciously at him. He jolted out of his dream and felt a great pain on his right knee. It was so painful he lost conciousness.

When he awoke, a hideous face was grinning at him. When it pulled back, Ghae-Bie realised that it was just Prince Darius.

"God! Are you going to sleep all day? And what happened here? Your Baah Shaah is horribly shredded! Are you alright?"

"Wwwhat?" Ghae-Bie looked around him. His surroundings were in a complete mess. Even his clothes were tattered, as if he had grown then shrunk overnight. Bewildered, he checked his right knee and there was the horrible scar that he had for as long as he could remember. Only now the scar had turned black.

The story goes on... @ Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:55 AM

The Story Begins - Derek

The Prince awoke suddenly, sat up and put his head in his hands. He had been troubled by same dream every night for the past month now. But as all dreams are, the details were lost as consciousness took over. All he had was a mere inkling of what his dream was about. War. Bloodshed. Death. But tonight was slightly different. Tonight there was a man in his dream. A handsome young man with long silver hair, wearing a regal robe with strange symbols embroidered on it. The Prince massaged his temples and leaned back into his bed, where he fell back into troubled sleep.

The following morning, the Prince took a morning ride on his fine white steed Julther. He oredered that none of his servants and underlings escort him. He wanted to be alone to unwind and clear his mind. As he was resting at his favorite secret spot in the forest near the castle (a shady willow beside a bubbling brook), he fell asleep. This time, his dream came to him clear as crystal.

"Prince Darius... I fear it is too late for the Kingdom of Elvia..." the silver-haired man from his dream before said. "I have tried to warn you many many times, but the magic is lost in your Kingdom. I speak to you only now because this tree was from a seed from a magic grove from the Kingdom of Lostarca and the magic is still strong here. The Grey Lord from a distant land has sent his dark magic into your Kingdom, and all hope is lost here. Your only salvation is to travel to the Kingdom of Gaebiland and search for a Queen. Only she can lead you to the cure you need to save your Kingdom and indeed, the entire earth you stand upon. Now make haste. You will find some items within the willow that will aide you greatly. Hurry, Prince Darius, Hurry."

Prince Darius awoke, his mind as sharp and clear as could be. He stood up, reached inside a hole in the tree and retrieved a dull and tarnished sword, a silver medallion with a cloud depicted on one side and an angel on the other, and finally a long blue cloak. Wearing these newly attained items, he rode Julther, swift as could be, back to his Kingdom.

Prince Darius could not believe his eyes. Within the few hours he was away, everything had turned to stone. Every man, woman, child and chicken in the village was now but a grey statue in motion. He ran into the castle, where he found his parents, King Falchion and Queen Snowaina at breakfast, forever frozen with their forks raised halfway. Prince Darius sat down and wept.

Prince Darus looked up and behind as he heard a noise behind him. It was one of the kitchen servants, a boy just a few years younger that him, who ran errands for the castle cook.

"My Prince! What evil sorcery has befallen on us! I was taking just a small nap in the Castle Garden and when i awoke..." The boy faltered and could not continue. "What should we do?" He wailed.

Prince Darius told him what to do.

The story goes on... @ Monday, November 20, 2006 8:15 AM