Story Online: January 2007
Ghae-bie - Magical Cylinders

Ghae-bie slumped back into bed as 'nurse joy' walked away. He was simply bored out of his mind. His eyes combed the whole room in search of anything that could provide him with a shred of amusement. He came upon a small thin smooth cylinder that appeared to be made out of a light strong alloy. It was hollow and had a sharp tip on one end that produced a blue substance when touched. On the other end, were the words "Pilot G2" and the end could be pushed in, causing the other sharp end to be retraced. A clever gadget!! Ghae-bie amused himself by pushing one end and watching the other end extend and retract.

After a while, Ghae-bie grew hungry and left his bed in search of food. He walked over to the nearest table only to find it empty save for a case containing several of the ingenious cylinders that he was holding, and a flat rectangular box. He opened the box and found that the box had many layers!! Each layer was white and smooth, and very thin. He took out his cylinderical device and extended the sharp end and cautiously placed it on a layer. A blue dot appeared on the layer. Ghae-bie found that he could write on it quite easily! It was better than using quills with scrolls! Soon, he had the whole page covered with sketches. The magic cylinder could not run out of ink! it was amazingly smooth and easy to write. A part of Ghae-bie told him that he was hungry and that he should get himself something to eat, but another part of him wanted to go on drawing and filling up the box with the endless pages.....

The story goes on... @ Friday, January 12, 2007 1:30 AM

Neigh... - Derek

meanwhile in the stables...

Lightfoot (Ghae-bie's horse): Neigh Neigh Harrumph Neigh snort snort Harrumph! (whoa check out that mare. HOT!)

Julther: *rolls eyes. Neigh Harrumph snort snort Neigh Neight. (Here we are on an important quest and u have time to look at females.)

Lightfoot: Neigh NEIGH Neigh (so what if we're on a quest. We're ALWAYS on a quest)

Julther: Neigh! (But this one's different. I feel that this will go down in history. We'll be FAMOUS! Julther and Lightfoot, the heroes of Elvia and the world. Book will be written, stories will be told to little children before they fall asleep!)

Lightfoot: Whinney Neigh Neigh... Harrumph (That sounds... cool)

Julther: Neigh Neigh whinney snort snort whinney Neigh Harrumph Harrumph Neigh (Yea)

Lightfoot: Neigh Neigh snort (This is some good hay, hey?)

Julther: Neigh Neigh whinney snort snort whinney Neigh Harrumph Harrumph Neigh (Yea)

The story goes on... @ Saturday, January 06, 2007 12:10 PM